An “eye” is a seed, and mustard seeds are dark yellow, like the eyes of some newts. Herbalists would often reference body parts when describing parts of plants. Surprisingly, most people agree that “eye of newt” refers to a mustard seed. Let’s start with one of the most popular (and memorable) items on the list. Ingredients and their meanings eye of newt Discover some exceptionally weird words here. The word weird gained popularity in large part due to Macbeth. But what are those ingredients really referring to? The answers may just surprise you! (For the entire passage, which includes all of the ingredients we discuss, see below.) Some of these ingredients, such as “eye of newt” and “toe of frog,” have become staples of witches everywhere. The witches’ admittedly catchy rhyme is listed below (the ingredients have been bolded by us): One scene in the play features three wily women, referred to as the the three weird sisters or the three witches in the play, chanting an ominous rhyme as they add gross and grizzly ingredients into a cauldron. Spooky! This classic scene of malevolent madams making a most mysterious mixture entered our cultural imagination thanks to William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. But the most important ingredient of all just might be… you! All sorts of nasty things go in the witches’ brew.

Double, double, toil and trouble! Witches cackle as their cauldrons bubble.