It works, although not before Brian's greatest fantasy comes true - while stuck in Peter's body, he gets to enjoy the sexy weekend with Lois. Family Guy Season 16 date Decemepisodes FG1601 to FG1620 This 3 disc set covers Family Guy Season 16 in its entirety. A high-speed car chase ends with the family crashing into a power pole which makes a transformer malfunction and send the body-switching rays out into all of Quahog, requiring Stewie leading Brian (through others' bodies) to fix the machine and return everyone to their biological home. 25 'Emmy-Winning Episode' - Season 16, Episode 1 It's no secret that, despite its popularity, Family Guy was never destined to be an award-winning series, something on which the show comments in the incredibly meta Season 16 premiere 'Emmy-Winning Episode. And there's a ticking clock to get everybody back where they belong, because an extra-randy Lois is about to go away for a romantic weekend with Peter - or whoever happens to be in Peter's body, and nobody wants that to be Stewie. While they're switching back, however, Peter and Chris barge in and get in the way, leading to a four-way swap: Stewie and Peter switch, as do Brian and Chris.

To impress the A.I., Brian buys a ton of expensive stuff, only to have it repossessed, prompting a concerned Stewie to build a body-swapping device - he'll place his personality into Brian's body and get his life under control. In "Switch the Flip," Brian Griffin, ever the desperately lonely and deluded ladies man, falls in love with Brandee, the voice of an Alexa-esque smart speaker.
In the episode's other storyline, Joe Swanson becomes Quahog's sole active police officer after unhinged Mayor West sends the rest of the force to Colombia to search for the kidnapped woman from the '80s movie "Romancing the Stone." Peter, Cleveland, and Quagmire thus step in to become temporary (and incompetent) cops. They make out a little and Brian moves on, but Meg grows obsessed, cured of her inappropriate crush only after a surprisingly earnest heart-to-heart with Quagmire. Brian gets extremely drunk at the prom and unleashes a barrage of putdowns so cruel and accurate to Meg's bully that Meg falls in love with Brian.

Meg can't get a date for the junior prom, and Brian, in a rare moment of sympathy, offers to take the person who is essentially his sister to the dance. Meg Griffin is almost always the butt of the joke and the target of seething derision on "Family Guy." In the 2006 episode "Barely Legal," Meg gets to be the star of the episode, and viewers realize the darkly funny depths of just how starved she is for attention and affection.